About Us

Foundation Staff 2022
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Foundation Staff 2022

The Patrick & Henry Community College Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation organized under Virginia law and is fiscally and organizationally separate from the college.


The mission of the Foundation is to enhance community awareness of Patrick & Henry Community College; to secure private contributions, bequests, and donations; and to account for, manage, and help appreciate monies or property submitted to the Foundation.


The Foundation's vision is to make Patrick & Henry Community College an invaluable resource to those in our community by providing an affordable, quality education, in turn, creating an educated workforce that will help our community grow.

Goals & Objectives

Funds received by the Foundation are distributed to advance the mission and goals of Patrick & Henry Community College. Foundation activities and support include but are not limited to:

  • Support the programs of P&HCC and help enhance the quality of education
  • Help foster better public understanding of the college and secure wider participation in cultural and community activities
  • Encourage potential students to attend the community's college
  • Raise support needed for students that cannot be funded by public money
  • Provide a means of perpetual trusteeship of capital funds donated to the college by individuals or organizations for programs or activities of benefit to the college and its community
  • Develop special capital projects and facilities
  • Raise support for special projects relating to the college that cannot be funded by public money


Board of Directors

Chair: Scott Prillaman
Vice Chair: Len Dillon
Treasurer: Sebrena Smith
Secretary: Margie Eason 

Executive Director: Tiffani Underwood


Pamela J. Allen                Linda Gale
Tyler Bassett                    Dr. Greg Hodges
Jim Beckner                     Kevin Laine
Matthew Brown              Karen Parker
Smith Chaney                  Warren Rodgers, Jr.
Gene Clark                       Carolyn Shough
Gary Collins                     Miyana Smith
Donna Dillard                  David Swisher
Len Dillon                        Courtney Williams
Lisa France                   

Honorary Members:

Virginia Hamlet               Larry Ryder
J.D. Lester                        Eliza Severt
Nancy Moore                   Carol Hooker Stermer
William L. Pannill             Max Wingett