Patrick Henry Community College Commonwealth Legacy Scholars Brandon Wimbish (left) and Madison Wells (center) were recognized in Richmond on Tuesday, Nov. 18 at a luncheon by the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education (VFCCE) in honor of scholarships they received. Both Wimbish and Wells received the Gerald L. Baliles Commonwealth Legacy Scholarship, named for former Virginia Gov. Gerald Baliles (right).
The VFCCE distributed more than $350,000 in scholarships this year to students from across the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth Legacy Scholarship Program, with 25 recipients this year, was established in 2006 through the generosity of longtime partners Wells Fargo and Dominion. The scholarships recognize students from across the Commonwealth who have demonstrated academic excellence during high school as well as a commitment to developing leadership skills. Each scholarship bears the name of one of many philanthropy leaders who support Virginia’s Community Colleges.